World Class Wedding Venues
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World Class Wedding Venues Blog

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Wedding Registries: Places to Register and Things You May Need

The part that a lot of couples look forward to the most when it comes to getting married is creating a wedding registry. Couples normally use the gifts from registries to create their ideal homes and receive things that they need to live. Some couples will use their registry to fund their honeymoon, and others will even use it to help purchase food. The possibilities for a wedding registry truly are limitless. Most couples will have anywhere from 1 to 3 registries, and will often tailor them to fit their needs and wants the most. Those looking for things for their home will often turn to...
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Bouquets & Centerpieces Made of Wood

Sola Wood Flowers Ever thought of decorating your wedding and reception with flowers made from wood? It is a unique idea and we are so impressed with these flowers! Sola Wood Flowers offers a variety of assortments and arrangements that you can have shipped right to you in time for your special day. Not having to worry about flowers wilting or dying, they are an amazing keepsake and they look amazing too! How can it be? Sola wood comes from a tapioca plant root. Poinsettias plants also belong in this plant family. The tapioca plant is known by cassava, manioc, arrowroot....
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Pre-Marriage Counseling: Is it Right for You?

The question has been popped, you have said yes, told the family, picked a date, found a venue, and selected your bridal party. Planning is going smoothly, everything is great. Until someone, be it an older relative or that married friend, asked if you are partaking in pre-marriage counseling. At first, you brush it off. Why do you need to? You and your sweetheart are perfectly fine, riding the high of being engaged and soon to be married, and other than small arguments about napkin colors everything is good, right? ….Right? Pre-marriage counseling is not meant to tear a couple apart,...
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