World Class Wedding Venues
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Wandering Waters

7666 Wandering River Rd
Ph: 360-599-3425

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Venue Description

Wandering Waters offers stunning mountain views, seclusion, and the distant sound of the North Fork Nooksack flowing towards the Salish Sea. The venue sits at the base of a forested slope of tall cedar and fir trees. The landscape to the south is defined by the broad shoulders of Slide Mountain while Church and Bald Mountains tower in the east. Maple Creek, a tributary to the Nooksack, slowly meanders through the property, and is home to abundant wildlife including all five species of Pacific salmon.


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Venue Description

Wandering Waters offers stunning mountain views, seclusion, and the distant sound of the North Fork Nooksack flowing towards the Salish Sea. The venue sits at the base of a forested slope of tall cedar and fir trees. The landscape to the south is defined by the broad shoulders of Slide Mountain while Church and Bald Mountains tower in the east. Maple Creek, a tributary to the Nooksack, slowly meanders through the property, and is home to abundant wildlife including all five species of Pacific salmon.
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