World Class Wedding Venues
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Planetario Rapanui

Planetarium Road (Ara Ui Hetu'u)
Hanga Roa, Valparaiso , Easter Island, Chile
Ph: +56 32 210 0532


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Vendor Description

The Planetario Rapanui aim is to enlighten our visitors regarding the Rapanui vision of the cosmos, the wonderful astronomic observation as well as its role in local mythology and religion. We are also committed to research and education, sharing educational programs with students free of charge, inviting qualified guest lecturers to do workshops and presentations, and carrying out projects that shed light on Rapanui and Polynesian archaeoastronomy by evaluating data using the planetarium and photogrammetry/3D-modelling. The Planetarium will bring to life the essence of the ancient Rapanui people, their culture and religious beliefs, starring the natural beauty of the the island, its people and its pristine skies. We hope to stir the emotions deep inside the hearts and minds of our visitors, invoking those feelings that pervade us when we observe the immensity of the night sky, that which encapsulates our past and future dreams.

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