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White's Bakery & Cafe - 1

White's Bakery & Cafe

1041 Pearl St
Brockton, Massachusetts , 2301, United States
Ph: 508-584-5100


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Vendor Description

Our growth would not have been possible without the loyalty and passion of our staff, some of whom have worked alongside shop owner David White for well over 25 years. We are fortunate and honored to have such amazing and dedicated members of the White’s Bakery team. After over 40 years as a professional baker and shop owner, David continues to work seven days a week, and shows no sign of slowing down. White’s is a family affair: David works closely with his daughter and 2 sons each and every day. The love of family is what makes White’s Bakery and Cafe what it is. ​We are proud to serve our community and feel grateful for our loyal customers who have made White's part of their family traditions.

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