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But a Dream Custom Cakes - 1

But a Dream Custom Cakes

324 Tanner Marsh Rd
Guilford, Connecticut , 6437, United States
Ph: 203-675-5998


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Vendor Description

I bring my eye for design and passion for all things fashionable to every cake I create. They are each individual works of art, that make my heart sing. And I won’t sleep until they are each perfect in their own way. And I take as much pride on the inside of the cake, as I do on the outside. The fabric and foundation of every cake is what’s on the inside. Full flavor, perfect texture, and buttercream that melts in your mouth, all hand sewn together with care. A cake your guests will wake up dreaming about well after the party is over. Using only real ingredients your grandmother would be proud of, But a Dream creates cakes that taste as good on the inside as they look on the outside.

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