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Botanics of Melbourne Florists - 1

Botanics of Melbourne Florists

356 Punt Rd
South Yarra VIC 3141, Victoria , 3141, Australia
Ph: 61 3 9866 1282


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Vendor Description

You will find our passion for flowers contagious! Our fresh flowers arrive daily from all over the world to our humble South Yarra store where we creatively design individual floral arrangements for all occasions. Botanics of Melbourne is your one-stop online florist shop where you can order beautiful botanical masterpieces and find other great items including nursery greenery and homewares to gifts and gourmet foods.

Easily order your flowers online and have same day delivery across Melbourne. Botanics is just located one block away from The Alfred Hospital and only minutes away from the CBD so we can get there fast. Experience the difference in our arrangements as service as we take pride in everything we produce.

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