World Class Wedding Venues
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Letterpress by Lydia - 1

Letterpress by Lydia

Libertyville, Illinois , United States
Ph: 847-312-1105


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Vendor Description

Letterpress is a vintage printing method which embosses, or imprints, a design into paper. Using lead type, wood type, hand carved wood or linoleum blocks, or photo-polymer plates (created from digital designs), the designs are inked and printed on the press. Each design is printed one color at a time and fed by hand. Each ink color is hand mixed to match to your specific inspiration.

Cotton, tree-free paper is available as is any number of smooth, sustainable, metallic or unique papers. Die cutting is available. Digital printing is also available (shh!).

Printing for other designers is fun, too!

DIY guidance for your paper project is available upon request as well.

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