World Class Wedding Venues
BlueTone Media
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Golden Hour Studio - 1

Golden Hour Studio

Massapequa, New York , United States


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Vendor Description

I see my style as unique and because of that, I call it “artistic documentary.” On a wedding day, I'm more concerned with real, authentic moments than I am with taking photos of your shoes. I want to tell a story but do it in an up-close-and-personal kind of way. A way that most photographers feel uncomfortable doing. Getting close to and being in moments when they are happening will grab you and pull you into the photo rather than feeling distant and emotionally disconnected. While I’m documenting your one of a kind story, I’m doing it with an artistic touch. I love composing photos in a way that will make you stop, think & feel. All of this circles back to the biggest thing of all; making your photos personal to you. I do all of that without the cheesiness so often found in the wedding industry.

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