World Class Wedding Venues
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Men's Wearhouse - 1

Men's Wearhouse

15770 Shady Grove Rd
Gaithersburg, Maryland , 20877, United States
Ph: 301-990-9029


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Vendor Description

For over 40 years we've been helping men like the way they look. We've been able to make good on that promise thanks to the world class customer service delivered each and every day by our dedicated employees.

Your satisfaction is the highest priority at the Men's Wearhouse. If you are not completely happy with the fit, quality, or fabric of any item, you may return your purchase within 90 days of the original sale.

Professional tailors using the finest materials and equipment are available at every Men's Wearhouse location. You will only be charged one time for the work that our tailors do. Once we alter a seam, you are guaranteed free re- alterations on that seam for any reason, within the limitations of the garment.
•Free lifetime pressing on all suits, sport coats, slacks and tuxedos purchased at any of our 700+ stores nationwide.
•Slacks hemmed while you wait, for added convenience.
•24-hour tailoring availability upon request.

WCWV would like to credit all trademarks, images, photographs, and word descriptions to the venues, vendors and their associates, to their website and social media for the beautiful images and descriptions for this directory link to their services. WCWV claims no rights to the images displayed and all rights to the imgaes used are the property of the associated. Business owners, Click Here.

Please visit their website to obtain more information about their amazing services.
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