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The Celestial Cakery - 1

The Celestial Cakery

4332 Commonwealth Ave
Charlotte, North Carolina , 28205, United States
Ph: 704-258-1209


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Vendor Description

Cake designer, cake mom, cake wife… this is my cake life. I was born in Chesterfield, VA then moved to Charlotte, NC in 2006. My culinary education and career started in high school at the Chesterfield Technical Center where I studied for two years and spent my weekends working at a local bakery. Once I graduated High School I enrolled at Johnson & Wales University and for the next five years I studied hard to perfect my skills. After graduating Magna Cum Laude with degrees in Baking / Pastry, Culinary Arts, and Food Service Management, I decided it was time to put my skills to work so I launched Ella’s Celestial Cakes from my 75sqft home kitchen. Now fast forward a few years… I am a mom, a wife, a cake artist, and my small home kitchen has expanded into a 650sqft Custom Home Bakery known as the Celestial Cakery.

If you need a Wedding Cake, Bridal Desserts, Birthday Cake, Celebration Cake, etc… don’t hesitate to call or shoot me an email.

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