In 1887, at the height of the British rule, colonial soldiers began to make their own cigars from the local tobacco. The fondness of the British for these legendary Nepalese fighters inspired them to name their cigars " Gurkhas."
Steeped in legend and history, the Gurkha cigars, created more than a century ago has been reborn and today is one of the most famous brands of luxury cigars in the world. Having extraordinary quality and premium blends of tobacco, Gurkha is known for limited release and rare tobacco products with outstanding and artistically-oriented packaging.
Gurkha is also known as the 'Rolls Royce' of cigars and is enjoyed by many of the world's elite including members of Royalty, Military, leading government officials, and celebrities.
WCWV would like to credit all trademarks, images, photographs, and word descriptions to the venues, vendors and their associates, to their website and social media for the beautiful images and descriptions for this directory link to their services. WCWV claims no rights to the images displayed and all rights to the imgaes used are the property of the associated.
Business owners, Click Here.
Please visit their website http://www.GurkhaCigars.com to obtain more information about their amazing services.
Attended a private event with The Little One-Aruba. So, so cute! - Scarlett
Thank you WCWV for promoting all these wonderful venues and vendors! - Polly
World Class Wedding Venues made planning my destination wedding incredibly easy and stress-free! - Leigh
The Virtual Reality option has revolutionized the way I showcase my venue to couples! Amazing product! - Daniel
The WCWV team is kind and easy to work with! They made listing my business so simple! - Courtney