World Class Wedding Venues
BlueTone Media
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Na Hoku - 1

Na Hoku

049 Ualena Street, 12th Floor Honolulu
Honolulu, Hawaii , 96819-1942, United States
Ph: 800-260-3912


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Vendor Description

Na Hoku. Hawaiian for "stars". Once used by voyaging Polynesians as guides on their journeys throughout the Pacific. Today, Na Hoku is your guide to the essence of Hawaiian and Island Lifestyle captured in our collection of fine jewelry.

Na Hoku has been creating Hawaii's finest jewelry since 1924. From the unique jewelry designs that we create in our manufacturing facility in Hawaii to the exclusive designer collections that we present to you, our incomparable selection of Hawaiian and Island Lifestyle jewelry is unmatched for its quality and expert craftsmanship.

Our profound love for the islands and a deep sense of tradition fuels our passion for fine jewelry making. It's what sets us apart as manufacturers, and will distinguish you as a proud owner of these unique island treasures.

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