World Class Wedding Venues
BlueTone Media
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Boscov's - 1


400 Lackawanna Ave
Scranton, Pennsylvania , 18503, United States
Ph: 570-342-7860


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Vendor Description

"For 100 years, Boscov's has been the largest family-owned department store in the U.S. We offer our customers the Best Brands, the Best Prices and Incredible Service year-round. Discover our amazing merchandise from our top brands like Adidas, Clinique, Calvin Klein, Skechers, Kenneth Cole, Cuisinart and much more! Enjoy visiting Boscov's in Scranton that offers specialty departments such as Wedding & Gift Registry, Boscov's Optical, Boscov’s Travel Agency. Along with our special services, Boscov's gives back to our local communities by holding monthly events to give our customers the opportunity to support local charities in their area."

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